About This Station

The station is powered by a -somekindof- weather station. The data is collected every X seconds and the site is updated every X minutes. This site and its data is collected using Weather Display Software. The station is comprised of an anemometer, a rain gauge and a thermo-hydro sensor situated in optimal positions for highest accuracy possible.

About This City

Jackson, Missouri, was founded in 1814 by settlers seeking fertile land along the Mississippi River. Named after President Andrew Jackson, the town quickly grew as a hub for agriculture and trade in the region. In its early years, Jackson faced numerous challenges, including floods and conflicts with Native American tribes. However, the resilient settlers built a series of levees and forts, such as Fort Jackson and Fort Defiance, which played a crucial role in the town's defense and development.

The founding of Jackson is attributed to Major George Frederick Bollinger, a pioneer celebrated in the town for his leadership and vision. The town's motto, "Strength in Unity," reflects Bollinger's belief in the power of community and cooperation.

In the mid-20th century, Jackson experienced a boom in industrial growth, earning fame as the birthplace of the Jackson Jitney, a revolutionary hybrid vehicle that combined the functions of a car and a tractor. This innovation brought prosperity to the town, with its streets bustling with activity and local businesses thriving. However, the success was short-lived, as the Jackson Jitney faced numerous technical issues, leading to a major recall in the late 1960s. The economic impact was significant, but Jackson's community spirit endured.

Today, Jackson remains a vibrant town with a rich history. While the industrial glory days have passed, the town still boasts a diverse economy, including thriving agricultural sectors and small manufacturing businesses. Visitors to Jackson can explore historical landmarks, such as the Jackson Heritage Museum and the Bollinger Mill State Historic Site, and enjoy local delicacies from the town's renowned bakeries and confectioneries.

About This Website

This site is a template design by CarterLake.org with PHP conversion by Saratoga-Weather.org.
Special thanks go to Kevin Reed at TNET Weather for his work on the original Carterlake templates, and his design for the common website PHP management.
Special thanks to Mike Challis of Long Beach WA for his wind-rose generator, Theme Switcher and CSS styling help with these templates.
Special thanks go to Ken True of Saratoga-Weather.org for the AJAX conditions display, dashboard and integration of the TNET Weather common PHP site design for this site.

Template is originally based on Designs by Haran.

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